Cleaning, disinfection and hygiene within healthcare
Hygiene is essential in healthcare facilities, especially with rising infection rates. It ensures the health and well-being of people and is therefore of particular importance in an industry where the welfare of a person can be a “matter of life and death”.
For this reason, the highest standards of hygiene and maximum contamination control are crucial. Vileda Professional offers everything necessary to improve hygiene and minimize infection rates. All our cleaning concepts for healthcare facilities offer a flexible, state-of-the-art approach and can be used in many sensitive areas. Furthermore, we adapt all concepts to your specific requirements. Ensure the highest standards of hygiene with Vileda Professional. Contact us for an individual offer.
At Vileda Professional, we can support the process by arranging the perfect production solution fitting your needs and customer requirements and discuss a range of topics including:
- Infection prevention
- Which cleaning method is hygienically right for you
- The importance of cleaning in the disinfection process
- Benefits of Microfibers
For more information, please contact your Vileda Professional representative or download the Healthcare PDF

Patient rooms
- Sitting area
- Bed handles & nightstands
- Handles and switches
- Desks and chairs
- Storage units

Floors, Staircases & Elevators
- Handles
- Tables and chairs
- Touch Screens
- Lift/Elevator buttons
- Staircase and escalator handrails
- Public phones
- Door security controls
- Door handles