Transport cleaning with Vileda Professional
Professional cleaning solutions for trams, buses, trains and airplanes
Cleaning our daily means of transportation is one of the toughest tasks. This goes for staff as well as for the utensils used: Not only has the cleaning to be done quickly to avoid delays – trains and buses are more often cleaned while standing on the platform or the rails rather than in the station –, the staff must move within cramped spaces and still be able to clean every surface thoroughly.
To add to the difficulty, these mostly smaller surfaces are made up of different materials, each of which requires an individual treatment. And finally, there are varying weather conditions that must be considered in the cleaning efforts: Summer and sun might require less cleaning than winter snow and slush, which makes the job especially tough.
Based on these conditions, only the most efficient and ergonomic tools are suitable for the task.
Vileda Professional provides you with products, concepts and trainings to tackle the specific needs of transport cleaning. Contact us to develop the right solution for your needs together.